Contemporary · Fiction · Horror · Young Adult

Foul is Fair


Title: Foul is Fair

Author: Hannah Capin

Page Count: 336

Series: Foul is Fair, Book 1

Publishing Date/Publisher: 

Format: eBook

Review:  I am shocked at the positive reviews this book has been receiving from early reviewers. All the characters, including Jade/Elle, were terrible people. I did not enjoy reading about them, and I found it very difficult to get behind the revenge story because it was so ridiculous. Although I can completely empathize with a sexual assault victim wanting justice, a murderous rampage certainly does not seem like the answer and I did not find it at all gratifying. I would be extremely hesitant to promote this book to teen readers, because it glorifies murder and manipulation through sex. None of Jade/Elle’s coping mechanisms for her assault were positive, and I personally feel this book would be very unhealthy to put in the hands of someone who has actually been sexually assaulted.

Reader: Bekah



2 thoughts on “Foul is Fair

  1. I don’t particularly dig the rape-revenge genre anyway even though women exacting brutal justice against scumbag misogynist guys can be satisfying in it’s own way. I feel that most revenge stories are the same, or at least very similar. It seems like the author would want to make the wronged girl someone you could sympathize with, but maybe she was trying to make some kind of point by making her awful? I think literature needs more female anti-heroes, but I think I’ll give this one a pass. :/


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